Website Integrations
Do you have several applications or sites which you wish could talk to each other.
As well as developing full featured websites, web services and Intranet applications, I have a great deal of experience in automation of daily tasks and integration of disparate systems.
Do you have two or more systems working in isolation but you'd like to get them talking to each other? Do you have information locked in back office systems but want some of that information exposed on your website? Do you use (or want to use) online services such as Mailchimp or Twilio. I will develop secure, efficient and scalable solutions to your integration problems. Contact me to see how.
Are you getting bogged down in mundane daily administrative tasks such as backups, creating reports or mail outs or transferring data or files. I can provide you with a solution tailored to your needs, freeing up your hands so that you or your staff can get on with the tasks that really matter.
Custom Website Modules
Do you run a website using an Open Source CMS or framework such as Concrete5, Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Grav, Magento or Django? If so and you need custom plugins or modules created then look no further, use the contact form on this page to see how I can help.